Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seth's first birthday!!

We were not at Seth's first birthday, but Tracy sent us these pictures and I couldn't resist adding them to my blog. This is our shy little Noah!!
And this is Big Ethan, who is starting school in September - we're so proud of him!!!

And this is the birthday boy - what a handsome little fellow.

Proud mom holding Seth!!!

Fun at Opa and Omas

Karen with tiny Freddie!!
Angelina daydreaming!

Checking out the Sunday cake - am I getting a piece or do I even want one?

Freddie already reading, can you believe it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pap and Gerry's Artwork

Just had to steal a picture from Karen's blog so I could show the fireplace that the guys did. It is not completely finished yet, that is supposed to happen in the fall. But it was alot of work - but definately worth all the sweat that went into it! I am so proud of them - just building it from a hand drawing that Gerry made! Do I sound like I'm bragging - well I AM!!

Weekend at Paul and Tracy's

This is actually cheating, because we were not at Tracy's for Seth's birthday, but I took it off of her blog - isn't he a doll?
Angelina so badly wanted to wear glasses, on the drive to Coaldale she wanted to wear my glasses or my sunglasses but they kept sliding down her nose. So on Sunday, while we were babysitting all the little ones - she found a pair she thought would fit! She was so proud of them.

Two cousins sitting on the couch. Noah was quietly playing with Ethan's toy and Jayda was sleepily watching. Neither of them made a sound!!!

Iris and Ethan were doing "find the things" pages that Ethan got for his birthday from Aunt Karen and Uncle Gerry. They both loved it. You see, while they were playing with this, Noah was quietly playing with Ethan's toy. Lucky boy!!

Uncle Dwayne teasing little Seth - although he thought it was quite fun.
It was so much fun at Paul and Tracy's - we ate like kings and queens! It was really busy but it was so worth it. Everybody had a great time!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Henri & Dwayne finally arrive!!

How typical. Henrietta and Dwayne and Angelina are here and no picture. But with or without a photo - they arrived!! We can thank our Heavenly Father for bringing them here safely. Gerry and Karen were still living at our house till Friday - all the sisters came over to help Karen and Gerry clean the house - it was incredibly dirty from all the cement dust. So all the grandkids were at Omas - making her home look like a day care. But the kiddies were all good and slept and ate and drank well, so it was fun all the same. The house was clean in one day - lots of hard scrubbing - so the family moved back to their own home on Friday night - freeing up their space for Dwayne and Henri and Angelina. Saterday morning they were back for a hearty breakfast, since they had no food in the house. It is such a blessing to have so many helpers close by.
Today it is Sunday - and Angelina is still not feeling well - she has actually been out of sorts since they arrived. But we all kept blaming jet lag. But today, she was more fevery than usual, so Henri and I took her to outpatients today and sure enough - the little dolly has strep throat. So now they have medicine and hopefully - it will go uphill from here DV. We'll keep you posted.

All At Opa and Omas

Summer and Jayda - great friends (at times)
Jayda and Caden - they are truly great friends - love getting into stuff together!!

The three muskateers - enteraining us all!!!

Mr. Handsome - after his haircut - still not too short because afterall, it still is cold!!

Beginnings of a Work of Art

Last Sunday, Frieda and I took the kids to have a look at what Dad was doing in the house and why they couldn't sleep there. Well - Iris understood in a hurry why they were having sleep-overs at Opa and Omas, but it took Jayda 2 seconds to start digging in the mess!
Partially finished - it was getting bigger and bigger!

More of the fireplace!

Different angle!