Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Last Slave Lake Week

We put rock on this log home as well - beautiful location and gorgeous flowers. This house has never been parged, so instead of parging - they wanted rock installed. Definately added value to the house.
This is the back of the house with the rock. Was a really nice job to do.

This ws the side entrance to the basement - finished. This job took an unbelievable amount of cutting - so Betty was very busy cutting and mixing cement. We were finally finished late Thursday afternoon - that was a good feeling. We decided to go to the lake where Angie and Wally and clan were camping - so we booked a campsite and stayed overnight and had a wonderful breakfast with all of us. We left for home at 11 on Friday morning. What a great feeling to be home. I love camping, but after three weeks - it was good to be home.

Just had to add this one - here Hope is having a bath before bed - what a scream that was!!!!

More Slave Lake

This was our second rock job - this man had bought all kinds of rock and he wanted to use all different kind and mix it together - this was the first time we had to do something like this - well the above is the result. Doesn't look too bad, does it?
Betty busy mixing the cement - she worked very hard - carrying the heavy pails of cement up to the guys. Ben came the second week to help for a few days so we could get this job done quicker - because we had another rock job to do as well. He came along from Monday to Wednesday - and stayed with us in the camper too. We had lots of fun with the four of us!

This is the result on the dormer above the garage.

Here they are working of the scaffold - that is not for me - too high and wiggly!

Sorry - this is some what the same picture as before - it is a beautiful log home - there is alot of work to do inside - it has taken him 4 years so far.

Working/Camping in Slave Lake

This is the new cargo trailer that BBS purchased for Pap to keep all his tools for laying rock in and sand and cement so that it won't get wet when it rains and keeps everything much more organized.
Anyway, Pap, Betty and I were up in Slave Lake, laying rock for the last three weeks, that's why there hasn't been much activity added to the blog. This is the first home that we did - Gerry and his crew also scratched this house and will have to come back to do the finish coat. This is cobblestone that pap laid, Betty did all the cutting and filling in and I did the finish grouting. Was alot of work - but looked very nice in the end.

Betty checking out the work and waiting for instructions from Pap.

This was our camping spot for 1-1/2 weeks. We went home on Friday afternoon and were back on the job Monday morning. Slave Lake is a good 2 hour drive from our place, so quite a hike, and that is why we stayed up there all week.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Betty-Anne's Graduation

Betty-Anne and her escort, Wesley Van Laar.
We are thankful to the Lord that He has brought Betty thus far and that He has guided her through all her school years. School is now over for her, so she begins a new phase of her life and so do we. We no longer have children in school, but we do have grandchildren there! We pray that our Heavenly Father will guide her in her next phase!!!!
The proud parents with the grad and our tiny grandson, Weston!

More Grad

Sisters, there is nothing like sisters - aren't they beautiful?
Our grad with another proud sister - just as gorgeous!

Friends - Betty and Donna have been friends since Donna moved to Neerlandia many years ago.

Betty and Michelle Haman - also a friend for many years - Michelle came from Lethbridge for Betty's grad - what a sweetheart!

The grads proudly showing their new sweaters!