Monday, May 14, 2012

New BBS Equipment

The new truck with all the supplies able to be loaded on the deck. 
They cut out a piece of the deck and dropped it for the cement mixer. 
Pap's new truck - he is so proud of his buy!!!!  Black Betsy was getting pretty old, still runs though. 
The new zoom-boom - a very very helpful piece of equipment. 
Here the boom is out 40 ft. making getting on the roof and lifting rock up there to finish the chimney very easy!!! 
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why We've Been Away!!!!!

Our first foul of this spring - so very cute!  All new life is beautiful!!!!! 
This is the little summer cottage that we have been working on for the last 2-1/2 weeks.  Pap and I stayed here in our camper, came home for the weekends.  Lots of rock on this little pad!!!  Real rock, so kind of heavy too.  But we had a wonderful time together and worked ........hard! 
The view of the cottage from the lake, I was almost standing in the water when I took this picture. 
The rock that looked like a fish - so we rocked it in above the back door. 
Here pad is installing rock on the front of the house where we also placed a fish! It was pretty cold the whole time we were there, always a cold wind.  But it was warm in the camper! 
This is the front of the cottage!  Anyway, that is what we have been busy with lately, so had no time for the blog.  We are so thankful that our Heavenly Father has given us the strength and health to work together. 
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