Sunday, January 29, 2012

Masonry Firebox is finished - getting there!

The beginning - how exciting!

Gerry and Dave laying the firebricks for the firebox - in the herringbone pattern - sooo cool once you know how!

Getting there - takes lots of work - always something new to learn.

The audience - what is Opa doing?

Finished - now to put the adapter in for the chimney pipe - old guys are so busy!!!!!!! So thankful that the next step is finished! Very, very exciting - now to rock the fireplace, that is the next project.
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Eric and Mary Vanderveen said...

WOW!! What is that going to look like when done? I love to see each stage!!!!!!

Fried said...

Beauty Jane!!!!Can hardly wait to come again to see it in real.

Henry + Dianne said...

It is all looking very nice indeed. Beautiful work you do Fred (and associates). Looking forward to the finished product, as are you I bet.

cor en roely said...

Dit wordt écht iets héél bijzonders!!We volgen jullie op de voet!!Succes. liefs cor en roely

Mary said...

Yeah...can't wait for the next pictures to come....we are loving this and always excited to see what is next. It is going to be soooo beautiful!!! It has been a long wait...all that saving of material over the years is now all coming together before your eyes...with lots of intensive labour...done with love.