Sunday, December 21, 2008

Freek, Betty-Anne and I would like to wish all who view this blog a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Blessed 2009. Some of our children and family and friends like in Australia, Holland and
South Africa as well as in Canada - we wish you all God's strength in the coming year. We have been so blessed in 2008 - we have 18 healthy grandchildren, the business has gone well, our children have received healthy children out of our Father's hand and we have been blessed with good health. We were even blest with the company of our oldest daughter from Australia recently for four weeks. We have an abundance to be thankful for. Despite the gloomy news we hear via the news, we can always trust that our Heavenly Father will take care of us- today, tomorrow and forever.


Mary said...

We here in Abby would like to wish you and yours the Lord's blessing also for the coming year. We send you all our love from our home to yours.

cor en roely said...

Lieve Freek en Jane en Betty,
We wensen jullie Gods nabijheid en zegen in 2009.
liefs Cor Roely en Arjan.