Hello, hello, hello everybody - has the novelty of blogging sort of worn off - we only do it once a month? I know I am not the quickest either - but I don't have that many people to take pictures of either - every night I check out all the blogs, especially the overseas ones - and there is nothing new, and then I check my own and there are no comments made - OH - nobody checks it out anymore.
So much for the sarcasm - things have been very chilly here lately - it was -42 overnight here this week BUT the sun is getting stronger and the days are getting longer - so we are going the right way. We are so looking forward to warm weather. And once again we are reminded that the weather is also not in our hands - we receive everything from our Heavenly Father, so let us not complain. I am still busy at work and pap is still busy as well, although this week they didn't work everyday, b/c it was too cold. Gerry and Karen arrived home safely on Monday night for which we are thankful as well. And pretty soon Henrietta and Dwayne will be here with Angelina, we are so looking forward to that and then Mary will have her baby D.V. So lots to look forward to. Pap is still heavy into the addition, how to do this and how to do that. We went to the city to check out windows and got some prices. But the windows were vinyl and pap does not want vinyl windows. By accident, pap was checking out things in the barn, and found two wooden windows there yet, brand new and they both open. We don't even know what we have.
So now Pap figures Richard can make the rest of the windows, since they don't have to open.
Wilfred and Yvonne are also back from Australia - I didn't talk to them yet, but pap was there the other day and he said they had a wonderful time. (I was so jealous they were there) So now that Wilfred is back, they can finish their home visits. Anyway, y'all - that is what is going on here. Love you all and hope to see some pictures soon.
Hope you had a nice day off today. The boys were quite excited to be playing outside again today. I have soccer tonight, so that is nice to get out and get some exercise. I will put some new pictures on tomorrow again. Also it was nice to see that you put a new little blurb on the blog. I love to check them out and I am disappointed to see nothing new. Love you lots Pap and Mom
Love Tracy
Hi Aunt Jane! I just thought I'd post a comment so you'd have something to read... :-) Keep up with your blog! It makes us feel a tiny bit not so far away if we can keep up a bit with the news from Canada...
We too have had snow this week and hope it goes away soon!!! Sounds like things are humming right along there too. When are you going to be starting on the addition or have you already??? Will Henri and Dwayne be there in April yet...it would be nice to see them.
So sis how is that for comment...just to show you we do read your blog and keep up with happenings your way. I love it with my morning coffee.
luv u always
Hi Mom!! I know, I know, our blog ahs probably been the most boring and the only excuse I have is that we've been busy! But a poor excuse I know! I check everyone else's and am so disappointed when there are no new pictures, no wonder you feel the same way! But I will post today or tomorrow...that's a promise!! Love you lots and am so excited for you to have Hen and Dwayne come!
Hi Jane!!!Please don't do as we do, but keep those pictures coming. What do they say? "lead by example!!!" All is well here. Enjoying some very mild March weather. If it would only stay like this! Thinkin' of you guys often. Love Gerrit & Nelly.
well mom when you write that is more then a pic can say, I love checking the blogs and I am not as faithful I admit and I am so thankful that we can keep in contact this way. WE are just so excited to come and just can't wait. I am keeping busy until we come so that time will fly but but when I ge there I want it to stand still and just go nice and slow but we know what happens, but we are all looking forward to it and just can't wait to see you all... Love and miss you all and see you in less then 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so good to hear how you are doing. It is always good to read your blog. Keep up the news they are profitable for us. The pictures also, to some of us who are used to the hot weather, it is good to see a bit of snow and people wearing jackets. We hardly have that here.
Love you - Jerry
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